2025 Legislative Session
The new legislative session is beginning in Frankfort this month. Our representatives will be available to meet with constituents the first week of February. KRTA will be leading a delegation to Frankfort every Wednesday in February and the first 2 weeks of March. I plan to go several times to meet with Jefferson County representatives. Our legislative priorities are the same for 2025 as they were in 2024. It is still very important that we are mindful of the changes of representation in Frankfort and that we make certain that our priorities are known to all our representatives. You can help by contacting your legislative representative and reinforcing these priorities t is important that we stay informed about issues that affect us as retired teachers. We have several ways to help you stay informed.
Beth Dowdell, JCRTA Legislative Chair
Stay Informed with the steps listed below:
First, check our JCRTA website frequently for current updates. We will update our website when information becomes available.
Second, connect with the KRTA and the JCRTA websites and go to the Legislative tab. We have provided a link to that from the JCRTA site for your convenience.
Third, sign up for the texting service to receive text alerts on your smartphone. More information on this is included below.
A. If you receive text alerts now from KRTA you will continue to receive them in 2023-24.
B. If you would would like to receive text alerts from KRTA just follow these four easy steps to sign up:
1. Open your texting application.
2. In the “To” field, enter 1-833-526-4752
3. In the “Message” field enter KYPENSION
4. Hit Send
That’s it! You’ll receive a confirmation text, and then you are ready to receive our messages. Please note that message and data rates on your mobile phone plan may apply. If you would like to opt out of receiving our texts, just send a text to 1-833-526-4752 with the message STOP.
Fourth, know who your representative is and how to contact them. That information can be found on the KRTA and the JCRTA legislative webpage.
Fifth, understand and promote our legislative priorities for 2024. That information is also found below. Having this information at your disposal will help you to be ready to contact your representative to voice your concerns should immediate action be needed, which is sometimes the case with the state legislature.
KRTA's 2025 Legislative Priorities
1. Fully fund the Teachers’ Retirement System in accordance with the state’s pension-contribution statute. (KRS 161.500)
2. Maintain the defined benefit system currently in place for Kentucky’s retired, current and future teachers.
3. Fully fund the statutorily required obligation to the TRS Medical Insurance Fund as required by HB540, the 2010 Shared Responsibility Law (KRS 161.550 and 161.420)
4. Maintain the current TRS board structure
5. Oppose any legislation that would result in higher prescription costs for Kentucky’s retired teachers.
2025 - A new legislative session starts in January 2025 - Please stay alert to possible changes to YOUR pension plan. Click on the button below for KRTA's Legislative Page and the latest information.