Volunteer and Paid Work
At a Glance (Details below):
Kentucky Derby Museum
Locust Grove
Thomas Edison House
Retired Teacher Advocates for Teach KY Program
Family and Children's Place
Food Literacy Program
Young Authors Greenhouse
Gilda's Club
Kentucky Science Center
The Kentucky Derby Museum would love to recruit retired teachers. Volunteers may be docents where you lead a group through the museum and answer questions. Another volunteer job is Group Sales Events where volunteers may help with projects such as making derby hats or decorating a horseshoe for souvenirs.
Contact: Kelsey Johnson, 502-271-5338, Kentucky Derby Museum or visit the website: www.derbymuseum.org/get-involved/volunteer.html
If continuing to serve as a mentor and friend to a child or youth is something you’ve considered, CASA of the River Region (CASA) is a great fit for retired teachers.
CASA trains volunteers to be the voice for abused and neglected children in our community. CASA volunteers (CASAs) focus on one case at a time, volunteering 1-4 hours a week. CASAs visit with children to foster connection and belonging, as well as collaborate with social workers, guardians, schools, and doctors. Through direct observation and information gathered, CASAs make recommendations to the Family Court Judge on placement, educational resources, and medical/therapeutic services.
According to data gathered, the impact of a CASA is powerful. Children in care with a CASA spend 8 months less in foster care, miss 49.57% less school or 32 less days per year on average, and see an average increase from 47% with “good grades” to 75%. Children with a CASA volunteer are also more likely to be adopted, and half as likely to re-enter foster care.
If being a child advocate doesn’t feel like a good fit, CASA has other opportunities, including serving on the Board of Directors, joining a committee, assisting with office help or participating in seasonal events, such as the Back-to-School Drive or Holiday Sponsorship.
Learn more at CASA’s website: https://www.casariverregion.org/volunteer
Eugina Scoggins, Director of Recruitment and Training - CASA.
Email: eugina@casariverregion.org
Phone: 502-400-8042
Locust Grove is looking for volunteers interested in becoming docents (tour guides)! This is a great volunteer opportunity for former teachers eager to continue educating outside the classroom— teaching visitors the history of early Kentucky, the Croghan and Clark families, and the history of Locust Grove.
Training: Docents complete a brief training course to quality to conduct tours at Locust Grove, and all necessary training documents and access to additional research resources is included in the training.
Responsibilities: The duties of a docent include welcoming guests, guiding the group through the historic house and outbuildings, and attending educational trainings. Docents are also needed to help with school field trips!
Requirements: There is no hourly requirement, but we do encourage our docents to come on a regular or recurring basis (example: every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. or every Friday at 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.)
Contact: For more information, email Director of Interpretation Kaitlyn Tisdale at ktisdale@locustgrove.org or by calling (502) 897-9845 Ext. 105
We need retired teachers to volunteer to be tour guides to take guests through the museum and the historic Thomas Edison home in Butchertown.
The Thomas Edison House celebrates the creative mind! Located in the heart of the Butchertown neighborhood, the Thomas Edison House honors the life and legacy of work of the famous inventor, who once lived in the neighborhood. Our programs and tours play a crucial part in celebrating Thomas Edison’s legacy and the historic Butchertown neighborhood. We have an extensive collection of Thomas Edison’s inventions and a room reflecting Thomas Edison as a telegraph operator in Louisville. Due to a shortage of volunteers, we are currently open Tuesday – Thursdays from 10am-2pm and hope to reopen on Thursdays and Fridays.
Please contact us with questions or more information:
Phone: (502) 585-5247, email: EdisonHouse@historichomes.org, or on Facebook Messenger. Vicki Kothrade
We would like to invite you to consider working as a Retired Teacher Advocate (RTA) with Teach Kentucky this coming school year (2022-23). We are a program that works to recruit nationally from elite colleges and universities and bring vivacious, dedicated, smart new teachers to Louisville where they will be enrolled in the University of Louisville (K-12), Spalding University (Special Education), or Asbury University (English as a Second Language) alternative certification MAT program and teaching in JCPS and surrounding districts.
A Retired Teacher Advocate is paired with 1-3 of our new teachers for a full year (if needed) to help provide nurturing support. Often, RTAs and their new teachers work together to set up a classroom, talk about a challenging class or student, help them to gain access to learning materials and curriculum, and enjoy meals together. We think this is a fun and unique pairing and look forward to you building a relationship with a new teacher(s) as they begin to teach in elementary, middle, or high school. The program is designed for you to visit a new teacher(s) 2-3 times outside of school before school starts to talk about curriculum, classroom setup, etc. In addition, the RTA will observe the new teacher 2-3 times after school starts to provide feedback on lesson presentations. If they are all set up with classroom support, these relationships often morph into a dinner, coffee, or mentoring support role.
We provide RTAs with a stipend of $250 per teacher to cover travel costs and your time. There will be a training session during the summer on the lesson observation framework and expectations of the position. Please reach out to Edris Humphrey, TKY Program Director, with any questions. Edris can be reached at (606) 483-0366 or by email edris@teachkentucky.com.
Family and Children's Place
Since 1883, Family & Children’s Place has been a critical presence in Louisville. For over 135 years, we’ve helped our most vulnerable citizens — children, whose lives we’ve often saved from abuse and neglect.
Meredith Bell from Family and Children’s Place has the following jobs available:
1. After school coordinator 2. Development and communication Coordinator 3. Family Support Worker 4. Family Therapist, Ky and Ind 5. Forecast Therapist 6. Forensic Interviewer/Family Advocate 7. HANDS Parent Visitor 8. Home Visitor – Early Head Start and 8. Mental Health Consultant
Visit the website for the job descriptions. Copy and paste the following website address into your browser:
Food Literacy Project (NEW)
The Food Literacy Project is a nonprofit organization in Louisville whose mission is youth transforming their communities through food, farming, and the land. We strive to build healthy and equitable communities where people and places thrive by teaching and empowering youth through cooking, farming, gardening, entrepreneurship, and leadership development.
We are in need of volunteers to help teach and assist with our farm field trips, afterschool Field 2 Fork Clubs at local elementary schools, Truck Farm, and other activities. We are looking for retired teachers who are comfortable and experienced in working with youth, but who also have a passion for food, justice, and the way those themes interact with the world around us. We will be hosting a Program Volunteer Training on Thursday, February 13th from 6-7 PM at Iroquois Public Library. Please join us for this training where you will take part in a hands-on farming fun activity and learn about leading a field-to-fork cooking session. You will learn the ins and outs of leading and assisting with our activities that challenge youth (and YOU) to get their hands dirty and try something new. Find our Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/573300423517449/ or RSVP at our VolunteerMatch website: https://www.volunteermatch.org/results/opp_detail.jsp?oppid=3243634.
Additionally, we are seeking retired teachers who enjoy working with lesson plans and activities to help review and revise alignment with Kentucky Academic Standards.
If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities or have questions, please email nicole@foodliteracyproject.org or call Nicole at 502-491-0072.
Young Authors Greenhouse Needs Retired Teachers
Young Authors Greenhouse is a non-profit literacy organization that inspires young people to recognize the power of their voices and stories. We love helping students find joy in learning and writing, and watching young people grow confident and proud, We offer fun and outside-the-box writing programs for students ages 6-18. Our programs have been recognized by JCPS and Metro United Way for high quality, student engagement and deeper learning.
Our programs range from morning field trips in our center, to after-school homework help, to semester-long book publishing projects inside schools, to after-school writing workshops!
If you can give an hour, please consider becoming a volunteer. You don’t need to be a “writer” to volunteer. We need volunteers of all kinds--caring adults who want to sit beside students as personal cheerleaders while they engage in our programs. Join us!
Program volunteer needs starting in August:
Mondays 10-12 (noon) Tuesdays & Thursdays (TBD)
Mondays 4-5:30 PM First Saturday of every month 1-3 PM
Wednesdays 10-12 (noon) Behind the scenes help (ongoing, all the time)
Wednesdays 4-5:30 PM
Email hannahrose@youngauthorsgreenhouse.org for a volunteer packet or to ask questions. We have regular volunteer trainings, so it’s never too late to sign up. 2509 Portland Avenue, Louisville, KY, 40212 (502)290-1491 www.youngauthorsgreenhouse.org
Gilda’s Club – Volunteers Needed
Gilda’s Club Louisville is a non-profit cancer support community. We provide support groups, education, health and wellness, social support, and resources to those living with cancer – all free to the community. We would not be able to do what we do without the wonderful volunteers who give so generously of their time. We would love to engage members of the JCRTA here at Gilda’s; retired teachers and administrators have so much to share and lifelong experiences from which to pull.
We have many volunteer needs ranging from regular weekly or bi-weekly opportunities to one-and-done type activities. Preparing and serving meals for our participants before their support groups, helping with a mailing, serving as a greeter or clubhouse host and anything in-between; we value and appreciate all of our volunteers. Many opportunities are flexible in timing ranging from morning to evening and can be scheduled to meet your needs. If interesting in learning more about volunteering at Gilda’s Club Louisville please visit our website at www.gildasclublouisville.org or contact our Volunteer Director, Jessica Carner, at 502-371-3064. Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the clubhouse.
Kentucky Science Center
The Kentucky Science Center is looking for volunteers with background in early childhood or elementary education. There are multiple opportunities for involvement including but not limited to curriculum development (especially in the areas of math, science, technology, art, and engineering), programming development for our Science in Play first floor exhibit spaces, mentoring beginning educators, classroomset ups and decorating, supply organization, teaching classes, facilitating learning during play dates or other special events, and much more. The possibilities are endless! We are flexible, willing to work with our volunteers’ schedules. There are even opportunities to volunteer with some aspects from home. If interested, please contact: Aimee Pike 502-560-7154 or Aimee.Pike@louisvilleky.gov
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